Butik andaman pengantin & bunga
(wedding dais decorations & flower arrangements services)
Page all about @diewanybridalflorists
Here you can see complete info about our services ,jobs and also our decorations.
Pakej persandingan/pertunangan
*Pakej berendoi
*Hiasan untuk segala majlis
*Hiasan bilik tidur pengantin
*Baju pengantin
*PA system
*Candy buffet
*Gubahan hantaran/Sirih junjung
*Pelbagai jenis gubahan bunga/fruit basket/hand bouquet
*Hiasan Meja makan/Pentas/Dewan
*Majlis convocation
*Hiasan Birthday Party
Any Question?
Please leave us a message if you have any question about this business, packages or deals